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          CHIKO Solar has once again achieved remarkable achievements, successfully completing the 120MW fixed support project in Guangdong Tongwei project. The completion of this project has further consolidated CHIKO's reputation in the renewable energy industry.
          The fixed support project is located in Haifeng Tongwei, Shanwei, Guangdong, covering a large area of land. The team of CHIKO Solar has invested a lot of effort in the project planning and design stages, ensuring that every detail can optimize the layout of photovoltaic modules and the absorption efficiency of solar energy to the greatest extent possible.
          During the construction process, we strictly implemented on-site management and safety standards to ensure the smooth progress of the project. CHIKO is equipped with an experienced project team, which ensures timely delivery of the project schedule through efficient and reasonable work arrangements. In addition, CHIKO Solar actively communicates with local governments and communities, fully considering factors such as land use and environmental protection, to ensure the sustainability and social responsibility of the project.
          The completion of the fixed support project has played a positive role in promoting the local economy and renewable energy development. On the one hand, the construction process of the project has created a large number of employment opportunities for the local area, promoting local economic growth. On the other hand, the implementation of this project will significantly increase the local clean energy supply, reduce dependence on traditional energy, and provide local residents with more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy choices.
          CHIKO Solar successfully completed the photovoltaic power project of Guangdong Haifeng Tongwei, demonstrating once again our outstanding capabilities and technical advantages in the field of photovoltaic brackets. CHIKO’s professional team, innovative design, and strict management have made significant contributions to the success of the project. This achievement not only reflects the strength and reputation of CHIKO Solar, but also sets a good example for the development of the renewable energy industry.
          Looking forward to the future, we look forward to CHIKO Solar's continued break throughs and innovations in the field of photovoltaic brackets. To contribute to the development of the entire photovoltaic power generation industry towards a more efficient and sustainable direction. At the same time, CHIKO Solar will continue to devote itself to the research and application of renewable energy technologies, making greater contributions to the global transformation of clean energy.

          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司           地址:上海市嘉定區興文路680號
          郵箱:chiko@chikolar.com               電話:+86-21-59972267
          網站:www.alashen.com                     傳真:+86-21-59972938
