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          Recently, Shanghai Chiko's ground mount solar project was successfully completed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The success of this project is the result of Chiko's continuous efforts over the years. We always uphold the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development, and constantly promote technological innovation and process improvement. Through cooperation with local governments and enterprises, we have achieved common development of both parties.
          In the ground mount solar project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Shanghai Chiko used advanced solar equipment and monitoring systems, covering a wide area of land and maximizing the use of solar energy resources. Through scientific and efficient planning and construction, it has provided a strong boost to the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chiko has always been adhering to the concept of green, low-carbon, environmental protection and sustainable development, and constantly promotes technological innovation and process improvement.
          The completion of this project also brings great development opportunities for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The vigorous development of the new energy industry will drive the growth of related industrial chains, provide more employment opportunities, and promote the prosperity of the local economy. In addition, the operation of the ground-mounted solar project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve environmental quality, and make a positive contribution to ecological protection and sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
          The successful completion of the project will also provide more possibilities and space for China-EU cooperation, and promote technological exchanges and economic win-win results. Chiko will continue to work hard and take this opportunity to continue to strengthen technology research and development, expand the market, and contribute more to global sustainable development.
          With the completion of Shanghai Chiko's ground mount solar project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we believe that the strength and influence of Chinese enterprises will continue to expand, contribute more to global sustainable development, and build a better future for the world. Shanghai Chiko will also shoulder the mission of leading the new energy transformation, and will continue to work hard to innovate and make unremitting efforts to build a clean, low-carbon and sustainable beautiful earth!

          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司           地址:上海市嘉定區興文路680號
          郵箱:chiko@chikolar.com               電話:+86-21-59972267
          網站:www.alashen.com                     傳真:+86-21-59972938
