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          The 17th G20 Summit has ended in Bali, Indonesia. As a major forum for international economic cooperation, the important topic of the G20 Summit is energy transformation.

          中國領導人在二十國集團領導人第十七次峰會第一階段會議上的講話,主題為《共迎時代挑戰 共建美好未來》,講話中強調:應對氣候變化挑戰、向綠色低碳發展轉型,必須本著共同但有區別的責任原則,在資金、技術、能力建設等方面為發展中國家提供支持,積極開展綠色金融合作。
          The speech made by Chinese leaders at the first phase of the 17th G20 Summit, with the theme of "Jointly Meeting the Challenges of the Times and Building a Bright Future", stressed that in order to meet the challenges of climate change and transition to green and low-carbon development, we must, in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, provide support to developing countries in terms of capital, technology, capacity building and actively carry out green financial cooperation.

          In the process of reducing fossil energy consumption and transforming to clean energy, we should consider all factors in a balanced way to ensure that the transformation process does not affect the economy and people's livelihood. The food and energy security risks of developing countries are more prominent. The G20 should take this matter to heart and provide necessary support in production, storage, capital, technology and other aspects.


          Since its establishment in 2010, Shanghai Chiko has always maintained its original intention, adhered to green energy as its development goal, developed customers around the world, actively participated in energy transformation projects, and made green energy available to thousands of households to achieve scientific development of enterprises.


          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司(簡稱”晨科太陽能”,英文名CHIKO SOLAR, 高新技術企業)成立于2010年,總部位于上海嘉定,年產能8GW,累計安裝量超30GW。截止到2022年底,專注于太陽能支架跟蹤系統,固定支架,手動可調,BIPV系統, 柔性支架, 光伏車棚及TPO的研發、設計、制造和銷售,是一家世界領先的太陽能支架制造商和解決方案提供商。
          Shanghai Chiko Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chiko Solar", English name CHIKO SOLAR, high-tech enterprise) Founded in 2010, headquartered in Jiading, Shanghai, with an annual production capacity of 30GW and an accumulated installation volume of more than 30GW. By the end of 2022, it has focused on the research, development, design, manufacturing and sales of solar tracking mounting system, fixed support, manually adjustable, BIPV system, flexible support, solar shed and TPO, and is a world leading manufacturer and solution provider of solar support.

          經過12年的快速發展,公司已經在韓國、泰國,澳大利亞、荷蘭、美國、阿根廷、土耳其、越南、墨西哥、巴西、菲律賓、新西蘭等多個國家和地區建立了子公司或服務中心。通過全球20多個國家和地區的認證,包括美國UL、TUV 、CE、AS/NZS1170 以及RWDI風洞測試等認證。
          After 12 years of rapid development, the company has established subsidiaries or service centers in South Korea, Thailand, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States, Argentina, Türkiye, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines, New Zealand and other countries and regions. It has passed the certification of more than 20 countries and regions in the world, including UL, TUV, CE, AS/NZS1170, RWDI wind tunnel test, etc.

          The company has a highly sophisticated team of engineers, has set up a key laboratory with complete configuration, the design checking standards cover most countries in the world, and has obtained more than 40 domestic patents and many overseas invention patents. It has established long-term cooperative relations with a large number of leading enterprises and is committed to becoming an energy technology enterprise with core value.

          CHIKO more bigger, 3060 is coming.

          Please consult us for more high-quality solar mounting system solutions!

          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司           地址:上海市嘉定區興文路680號
          郵箱:chiko@chikolar.com               電話:+86-21-59972267
          網站:www.alashen.com                     傳真:+86-21-59972938
