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          As a clean and renewable form of energy, solar power generation has received extensive attention and application worldwide. In order to make better use of solar energy resources, Shanghai Chiko is committed to promoting the innovation and progress of solar mounting technology. In this regard, Shanghai Chiko's flat roof solar bracket adopts ballast technology, which brings many advantages to the solar power generation system.

          Shanghai Chiko's flat roof solar bracket adopts a ballast design, that is, the solar module is placed directly on the flat roof, and it is fixed and supported by appropriate weights. This design allows the solar panel to maintain a certain contact pressure with the roof, which improves the stability and safety of the system. Compared to traditional fixed brackets, ballast technology is better able to adapt to the roof shape and size of different buildings.
          Moreover, ballast technology in flat roof solar brackets can achieve higher power generation efficiency. Since the solar modules are in direct contact with the roof, no additional support structure is required, the density of the solar panels can be higher, thus increasing the total power generation of the solar system. This is especially important for buildings with limited space to maximize the use of roof space for efficient energy conversion.
          In addition, the ballast technology in Shanghai Chiko flat roof solar bracket also has the characteristics of easy installation and low maintenance cost. Compared with the traditional fixed bracket, the ballast design does not require complex installation steps and more accessories, which greatly shortens the installation time and reduces labor costs. At the same time, because the bracket structure is simple and stable, the need and cost of later maintenance are reduced.
          The ballast technology in Shanghai Chiko flat roof solar bracket has achieved remarkable results in practical application. By improving power generation efficiency, reducing costs, and balancing ease of installation and maintenance economy, the bracket provides a reliable solution for the use of clean energy. Moreover, the ballast technology in Shanghai Chikoping roof solar bracket also has certain environmental advantages. Compared with traditional bracket design, ballast technology does not need to penetrate the roof, reducing the damage to the waterproof layer of the building and reducing maintenance and repair costs.
          In general, the ballast technology in Shanghai Chiko flat roof solar bracket has significant advantages in improving power generation efficiency, reducing costs and facilitating installation and maintenance. With the continuous development of clean energy industry and the promotion of applications, this innovative scaffold technology will play an increasingly important role in the future and make greater contributions to sustainable development.

          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司           地址:上海市嘉定區興文路680號
          郵箱:chiko@chikolar.com               電話:+86-21-59972267
          網站:www.alashen.com                     傳真:+86-21-59972938

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