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          光能杯始于2012年,是索比光伏網和索比咨詢一起舉辦的光伏行業評選活動,歷經十年發展,成為集前瞻性、綜合性、權威性、包容性于一體的產業創新高端論壇。本次上海晨科受邀參加第十屆光伏行業評選頒獎典禮,索比光伏網進行現場直播頒獎。上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司在本次“光能杯”榮獲光2022  最具影響力光伏支架企業
          Founded in 2012, the Solar Cup is a solar industry selection event jointly organized by Sobi Photovoltaic Network and Sobi Consulting, and after ten years of development, it has become a forward-looking, comprehensive, authoritative and inclusive high-end forum for industrial innovation. This time, Shanghai Chenke was invited to participate in the 10th Photovoltaic Industry Awards Ceremony, and Sobi Solar Network conducted a live broadcast of the award. Shanghai Chiko Solar Technology Co., Ltd. won the most influential solar bracket enterprise in light 2022 in this "Light Energy Cup"




          上海晨科成立已有12年,累計安裝量超30GW,齊聚全國的高精尖人才以及配置齊全的重點實驗室,設計驗算標準涵蓋全球大部分國家,取得40多項國內專利,專注于太陽能固定支架,手動可調,BIPV系統, 柔性支架, 光伏車棚, TPO屋頂以及跟蹤系統的研發、設計、制造和銷售,并且在美國、泰國、巴西等十多個國家設立了子公司或服務中心,通過全球20多個國家和地區的認證,包括美國UL、TUV 、CE、AS/NZS1170 以及RWDI風洞測試等認證,全力實現綠色能源走進千家萬戶。目前出口量在支架行業里出口排名前三, 與中國一線組件品牌均有合作, 如晶澳, 晶科,林洋,中來, 東方日升、正泰等。
          Shanghai Chiko has been established for 12 years, the cumulative installation volume of more than 30GW, gathered the country's high-precision talents and fully equipped key laboratories, design verification standards cover most countries in the world, obtained more than 40 domestic patents, focusing on solar fixed brackets, manual adjustment, BIPV systems, flexible brackets, solar carports, TPO roofs and tracking systems research and development, design, manufacturing and sales, and in the United States, Thailand, Brazil and other more than ten countries set up subsidiaries or service centers, Through the certification of more than 20 countries and regions around the world, including the United States UL, TUV, CE, AS/NZS1170 and RWDI wind tunnel test and other certifications, we strive to achieve green energy into thousands of households. At present, the export volume ranks among the top three in the bracket industry, and it has cooperated with China's first-line module brands, such as JA Solar, Jinko, Lin Yang, Jolywood, Risen Energy, Chint and so on.

          In the future, Chiko will seize the development opportunities of new energy, help achieve a high proportion of clean energy transformation, implement the new strategy of energy security, implement "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", and do a good job in every project steadily, hoping that every household can enjoy the sense of security brought by Chiko solar bracket.

          上海晨科太陽能科技有限公司           地址:上海市嘉定區興文路680號
          郵箱:chiko@chikolar.com               電話:+86-21-59972267
          網站:www.alashen.com                     傳真:+86-21-59972938